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Tired?...Aching?...Stressed? - I can help


People today are more time poor than ever before and with all the stresses that every day life presents they often fail to consider themselves and their overall well being.


Total Energy Healing is exactly the place you need to visit if you wish to overcome your challenges and ailments.


The body can heal very quickly when detrimental beliefs are revealed and past traumas released.


Total Energy Healing uses a combination of energetic healing, verbal releasework, meditation and intuitive healing in conjunction with knowledge of western health, and TCM meridian systems combined with opening the energy centres known as Judaic Sephira and Indian Chakras, using hands, attention and intention.


If you are reading this, then there is a reason you are here and one that will be of immense benefit to you or those close to you.


Book an appointment today and discover why so many people are saying that Total Energy Healing is the place of ultimate wellness.




   "It is time I said yes

             to me"

How Can I Help You Today?

Chronic back & neck pain


Chronic stress and panic attacks


Sick of being sick


Relationship stress


Menstrual & fertility problems  


Anger and Depression


Headaches & migraines


Chronic indigestion. Worry


Trauma and grief. Miscarriage


Inability to enjoy life, no joy



Knee problems, aching joints


Recovery from injury, after surgery


Anxiety & Breathing problems


Thyroid problems


Pain and numbness


Emotional instability.


Menopause, Hot flushes


IBS and abdominal problems


Low energy. Tiredness


Sleep problems. Low libido




Hi Gabriele,


I don’t expect you to remember me, but I just found your card in the back off my purse & felt the need to thank you.


I came in to the women’s clinic in August last year (2012) for my regular Pap test & was quite anxious.  I spoke to you about wanting another child & all the complications I had had over the years trying to get there. You performed some healing on me & told me I had resentment towards my husband that I needed to release & the negativity had caused blockages which you then worked on for me.  


Afterwards I felt so at peace I even felt the need to give you a hug! Anyway, that same month, after years of trying I fell pregnant! We now have 8 weeks to go until we meet our new family member & are so excited! I would just like to say a big Thank you to you because I do believe you were a big part of making this happen for us.  




I am so grateful that we crossed paths when we did & that you had the beautiful heart to help me in my time of need. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Follow up letter: Hi Gabriele :) We had an adorable baby girl on the 2nd of may :) Born at 36 weeks weighing 2.8 kilos (6 pound 1) all was peachy though :) I got to take home straight away yippee! Her name is Zara Isobelle & all went perfectly :) 


Thank you so much for helping make this possible! If you want to see a pic of what you helped to create just let me know your phone number Much love Nonie xo Ps thanks again & again & again.  


Nonie Hayes 37

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